Channel information
Network Name:Rizon
Channel Name:#CryptoTalk
Last users:4
Last updated:2024-04-24 16:49:16
Current topic:
[+CMNRcnptz] "Join to discuss any Crypto Currency News Etc, - Rules are no flooding, no shilling, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING, no stupid behaviour, no illegal crap like CP etc.."

Usage graphs
Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2021-05-18 - 2024-04-24
[+CMNRcnptz] "Join to discuss any Crypto Currency News Etc, - Rules are no flooding, no shilling, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING, no stupid behaviour, no illegal crap like CP etc.."
2021-05-18 (02:12:59 - 02:12:59)
[+MNRcmntz] "Join to discuss any Crypto Currency News Etc, - Rules are no flooding, no shilling, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING, no stupid behaviour, no illegal crap like CP etc.."
2021-05-18 (00:12:58 - 01:12:59)
[+MNcmntz] "Join to discuss any Crypto Currency related news etc.."
2021-03-17 - 2021-05-17
[+ntz] "Join to discuss any Crypto Currency related news etc.."
2018-01-11 - 2021-03-17
2021-01-24 - 2021-02-24
[+ntz] "Altcoin/StableCoin/Bitcoin/Ethereum/ZCash/RavenCoin/GrinCoin talk"