Channel information
Network Name:IRCNET
Channel Name:#shellcode
Last users:16
Last updated:2024-05-05 10:51:23
Current topic:
have some9one an idea for the topic?

Usage graphs
Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2022-04-14 - 2024-05-05
have some9one an idea for the topic?
2015-03-09 - 2024-05-05
2019-08-17 - 2020-02-23
2019-01-21 - 2019-08-16
01:10 <@MJINKS> kto ma pomysl na topik?
2018-08-26 - 2019-01-01
2003-2018, 15 lat #shellcode, bylismy, jestesmy, bedziemy
2016-06-20 - 2018-02-22
2016-06-15 - 2016-06-20
topic jets moj ;]
2016-02-26 - 2016-06-15
Ranisz mnie
2016-02-26 (09:53:18 - 15:53:23)
19:35 <@MJINKS> albo dac n30nowi to Ci zlize ;P
2015-03-06 - 2016-02-24
Happy Valentines Day