Channel information
Network Name:Slashnet
Channel Name:#weather
Last users:1
Last updated:2024-04-20 05:48:47
Current topic:
[+ntr] type !w city to get current weather

Usage graphs
Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2023-09-10 - 2024-04-20
[+ntr] type !w city to get current weather
2019-06-27 - 2023-01-20
[+ntr] type .wz city to get current weather .wzf city for 4 days weather forecast
2021-05-21 - 2021-05-31
[+ntrR] type .wz city to get current weather .wzf city for 4 days weather forecast
2018-06-27 - 2021-04-24
2019-06-25 - 2019-06-27
[+ntr] type !w city to get weather for your city (Celsius centigrades only (no Fahrenheit))
2019-06-25 (20:33:06 - 20:33:06)
2018-08-13 - 2019-06-24
[+ntr] Welcome to weather... Type !w city country to see your local weather forecast...
2018-11-06 - 2019-06-11
[+ntrR] Welcome to weather... Type !w city country to see your local weather forecast...
2018-08-05 - 2018-08-12
[+ntr] Welcome to #weather. The weather bot is working again... weather bot is currently offline due to technical difficulties :/
2018-04-13 - 2018-08-05
[+ntr] Welcome to #weather. The weather bot is working again... type !w localtion for daily weather or !wf location for three day forecast. enjoy :)
2017-03-15 - 2018-04-13
[+ntr] welcome to #weather... Weather bot is not working currently.. we are working on the problem...
2018-02-11 (18:17:29 - 18:17:29)
[+nt] welcome to #weather... Weather bot is not working currently.. we are working on the problem...
2014-12-22 - 2017-03-15
[+ntr] #weather For current weather: .wz [location] or wx [location]
For forecast:
forecast [location]
For help:
wx help