Channel information
Network Name:Rizon
Channel Name:#discourse
Last users:10
Last updated:2024-04-23 18:49:09
Current topic:
[+ntz] It is the heart of US policy, Ladies and Gentlemen, to use fascism to preserve capitalism, while claiming to be saving democracy from communism. --M. Parenti
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Topic history
2024-04-21 - 2024-04-23
[+ntz] It is the heart of US policy, Ladies and Gentlemen, to use fascism to preserve capitalism, while claiming to be saving democracy from communism. --M. Parenti
Use .nolog to toggle "last lines read" bot feature.
2023-08-22 - 2024-04-21
[+ntz] It is the heart of US policy, Ladies and Gentlemen, to use fascism to preserve capitalism, while claiming to be saving democracy from communism. --M. Parenti
Use .nolog to toggle "last lines read" bot feature.
2023-01-19 - 2023-01-20
[+ntz] Welcome to Discourse, a channel for the polite discussion of political systems, including ☭, ideas and events. Wanted--people who read.
2022-08-25 - 2023-01-19
[+ntz] Welcome to Discourse, a channel for the polite, even academic, discussion of political systems, ideas and events. Wanted--people who read.
2022-02-27 - 2022-08-25
[+ntz] Welcome to Discourse, a channel for the polite, even academic, discussion of political systems, ideas and events--zapster.
2022-02-26 - 2022-02-27
[+ntz] Welcome to Discourse, a channel for the polite, even academic, discussion of political systems, ideas and events.