Channel information
Network Name:Rizon
Channel Name:#Millennium
Last users:1
Last updated:2024-04-29 05:49:56
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Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2018-10-11 - 2024-04-29
2018-07-13 - 2018-08-25
[+nt] English only. Try not to be *too* much of a dick head. And no disrespecting what little staff we have. Unless they deserve it. Moof.
2017-01-08 - 2018-07-12
[+ntz] English only. Try not to be *too* much of a dick head. And no disrespecting what little staff we have. Unless they deserve it. Moof.
2017-01-08 (08:14:15 - 18:14:20)
[+ntz] English only
2017-01-08 (05:14:12 - 07:14:17)