Channel information
Network Name:IrcHighWay
Channel Name:#berg-staff
Last users:1
Last updated:2024-05-04 14:50:42
Current topic:
[+nrt] Welcome PCJ to the staff room

Usage graphs
Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2020-08-06 - 2024-05-04
[+nrt] Welcome PCJ to the staff room
2017-11-17 - 2021-09-12
[+knrt <key>] Welcome PCJ to the staff room
2018-07-27 (10:42:48 - 10:42:48)
2017-02-05 - 2017-11-17
[+knrt <key>] BERG - 2017 AND STILL HERE
2016-11-03 - 2017-02-05
[+knrt <key>] BERG
2016-10-30 - 2016-11-03
[+knrt <key>] BERG - where anything's allowed if Jo wants to upload it
2016-10-24 - 2016-10-30
[+knrt <key>] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhh
2016-10-15 - 2016-10-24
[+knrt <key>] Maybe we should all just stop watching the news....
2016-07-19 - 2016-10-15
[+nrt] Maybe we should all just stop watching the news....
2016-06-24 - 2016-07-19
[+nrt] We're all DOOMED........
2016-03-22 - 2016-06-24
[+nrt] And again :(
2016-02-14 - 2016-03-22
[+nrt] Liberté, égalité, fraternité