Channel information
Network Name:DALnet
Channel Name:#public
Last users:3
Last updated:2024-04-19 04:49:06
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Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2022-09-03 - 2024-04-19
2022-05-10 - 2022-09-01
It's a public channel, do whatever you want :D
2021-06-26 - 2022-05-10
This channel has been recently re-opened by DALnet.
2022-04-22 - 2022-05-04
Current Version: 1.8.2
Main Channel @ IRCgo
Free Znc join #request
2021-02-19 - 2021-06-24
Free ZNC accounts, Join #ReQuesT and !request Username. Read the rules before making requests !RuLes
Your account will be deleted if you are already using any irc bouncer,and keep the ZNC parked there
2020-11-06 - 2020-12-14
Free ZNC accounts, for get Join #ReQuesT and !request Username. Read the rules before making requests !RuLes
Your account will be deleted if you are already using any irc bouncer,and keep the ZNC parked here'
2019-10-19 - 2020-11-06
4 We're CurrenTLy In The ProCess Of DeveLoPinG SBnC. We Will Launch IT Now FeeL Free To Remain In This ChanneL #SBnC To keep Up To DaTe On Our ProGress. LoGiQue NoTiCe : ( ReaD The RuLes CareFuLLy BeFore AskinG For A SBnC !RuLes )
2019-10-10 - 2019-10-19
Free SBnC PowereD By LoGiQue NoTiCe : ( ReaD The RuLes CareFuLLy BeFore AskinG For A SBnC !RuLes )
2015-04-30 - 2019-10-10
2015-01-14 - 2015-04-28
Think first before you express your opinion. Have a second thought before you make a decision.